High gloss Geoshine™. Bluestone and Quartzite with standard grey base.
This job was a real honour for us to do. The project was for one of the big builders in South East Melbourne, and they specialise in residential and commercial buildings within the area. They requested this job for their family holiday house. It was wonderful to be asked by them, and a great opportunity for Geocrete to shine. However I was very nervous (much more than usual) about this job, purely because of who the client was. I spent a lot of time (when not hard at work of course) worried I would end up in concrete boots at the bottom of the ocean if something went wrong! As you can see, Geocrete and I are very much still land based and bringing the solid ground to others, all my worrying was for nothing and the job went smoothly. The client was thrilled with the finished job.
The job itself was quite a normal one, nothing was particularly difficult or unusual. The floor was made up of Bluestone and Quartzite, which is a great combination for a seaside home as it really brings the sea and the sand colours into the house. In this case we covered most of the house, and the driveway as well, which created a good sense of flow from outdoors to indoors. The outcome was stunning.